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AWS New York Summit 2024

Recently, I attended AWS Summit New York 2024, a popular industry event that shares advancements in cloud innovation. This year’s event offered insights on cultural change, digital transformation, and infrastructure modernization.

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Summit Overview

Attending the Summit was an enriching experience, particularly in light of BBI's ongoing projects and services in data modernization, integration, and innovation with GenAI. There were over 170 sessions that catered to various interests and technical depths.

Keynote Insights

One of the highlights of the summit was the keynote delivered by Dr. Matt Wood, VP for AI Products at AWS. Dr. Wood discussed how AWS's suite of AI tools and services is designed to enable rapid experimentation and deployment, allowing businesses to bring new ideas to market faster than ever before. He shared examples of companies using AWS AI services such as Amazon Polly and Amazon Transcribe to enhance customer engagement.

Key Takeaways

There were several themes at the Summit that I noticed. Below are the ones that hit especially hard and I’m looking forward to exploring further.

  1. GenAI’s Transformative Potential — Sessions led by AWS experts showcased how GenAI can enhance data architectures and drive smarter analytics. One session in particular demonstrated how GenAI can streamline data integration processes by automating data cleansing and transformation tasks directly benefiting BBI’s data modernization and integration projects, where maintaining data integrity across different systems is crucial.
  2. Real-world applications of GenAI and ML In One of the AWS Partner presentations covered how GenAI and machine learning affect data architecture. A detailed case study showcased how a healthcare company used GenAI to enhance their predictive analytics, resulting in a 30% improvement in patient outcome predictions.
  1. Harnessing the Power of Edge Computing Edge computing is key to connecting cloud capabilities, enabled improved performance and scalability.
  1.  The importance of “differentiation” as an AWS partner It was further emphasized that as an AWS Partner, it's crucial to bring “unique differentiated specialty technology and/or tools” to specific industries like financial services.

BBI brings that differentiation, via customer solutions, as summarized below and our proprietary accelerators that drive business value for financial services organizations, enabling them to modernize efficiently and stay competitive.

BBI’s Customer Solution Examples:

Solution Client Industry Description Outcome
Real-time Risk Scoring Banking

Compliant. all-in-one risk and fraud detection solution that includes seamless data retrieval, interactive risk dashboard, and integrated fraud prevention models.

  • Improved real-time fraud detection
  • Reduced costs due to automated review cycles
  • Improved customer experience

Customer Segmentation and Personalization


End-to-end data platform that supports complete D&A activities including assessing customer credit worthiness and personalizing product offerings. Reusable frameworks ensure easy partner onboarding.

  • Enhanced customer engagement
  • Optimized marketing spend
  • Scalable infrastructure
  • Faster go-to-market


Credit Reporting Agency

Solution enables quick and easy setup/updates of regional credit bureaus. It is a 100% serverless, easily reproducible infrastructure focusing on open-source technology and streamlined automation.

  • Data-driven product decisions via faster data processing and analysis
  • Faster time-to-market through strategic automation
  • Reduced costs due to automation and open source technology

By integrating these solutions with AWS's robust cloud offerings, we deliver unique, comprehensive and innovative solutions that provide significant value to our clients.

Event Highlights & Learnings 

I had the opportunity to dive deep into numerous hands-on sessions and explore a myriad of interactive booths, each highlighting different facets of cloud technology.

Particularly memorable were the detailed discussions at the GenAI booths. At one such booth, they showcased how AI can automate customer service, reducing response times and improving customer satisfaction. Another demo focused on predictive maintenance in manufacturing, which can significantly reduce downtime and operational costs. These examples provided practical strategies that we can incorporate into BBI’s innovation and GenAI projects, helping our clients achieve operational excellence and cost savings.


Engaging with industry experts and peers at the AWS Summit has provided valuable insights that will enhance our AWS offerings at BBI. We are committed to integrating these innovations to support our clients in their cloud journeys.

As BBI’s Director of Sales, I am excited about the opportunities these learnings present for our clients and our organization. If we connected at the summit, I look forward to continuing our conversations. For those who couldn't make it, feel free to reach out to discuss how BBI can assist with your digital transformation initiatives.